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Properties For Sale in Brixton SW2

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Total count of properties found for this search: 1
Total number of properties displayed for this search: 1
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3 Bedroom Flat in Dunbarton Road Brixton London SW2 England

For Sale at £225,000

Extrememly spacious garden flat within easy walking distance of Brixton Tube Station.Comprises 3 bedrooms,1 reception,garden.Offered with full vacant possession.Register to bid FREE at our next auction.We also do HIPs,Bridging loans,Below Market Value Properties.Earn £500 cash if you refer a person to us getting repossessed who then sells their property with us.Call us now on 08456 18 28 78

More info/photos/maps ID: 259 Agent: Yellow Apricot Limited AID: 167
Total count of properties found for this search: 1
Total number of properties displayed for this search: 1