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Properties For Sale in Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG1 - NG6

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Total count of properties found for this search: 1
Total number of properties displayed for this search: 1
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2 Bedroom Detached House in Bannerman Road Nottingham Nottingham NG6 Nottinghamshire England

For Sale at £86,000

This hot 2 bed bungalow is available at 28% BMV with £2500 finders fee it comprises 2 double bedrooms, a 21ft lounge/diner, kitchen, bathroom and patio garden plus off street parking presented in good condition. 1st to exchange takes it so contact us NOW. Email us to register for our free email property alerts on BMV's. We also do Auctions, HIP's, Loans and Mortgages.

More info/photos/maps ID: 262 Agent: Yellow Apricot Limited AID: 167
Total count of properties found for this search: 1
Total number of properties displayed for this search: 1